Friday, September 21, 2012

Author's Beware!

Tonight I am doing a live online show about scams in the publishing business. It has been going on for far too long. Authors have a lot to lose falling victim to these scams. Most of us are full time authors and depend on book sales and events to pay our bills and feed our families. How dare someone come along and think it is ok to take out hard earned money. Well I say no more! We as authors have to learn how to do business better. I have not been scammed (thankful to God for that) But I have been in situations where I was close. Common sense is not going to get you far with a con. Call (347) 633-9531 in tonight at 8pm to chat with me about this issue! :// Why because they talk and good game and they know how to walk it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Diamond Studded Publications

Diamond Studded Publications is my publishing company. I am so happy to have found something that I love to do. I love to read and write so it makes perfect sense to be an author and a publisher. I also love to help people. But all those things together and tada you have me. Sheri Henry-Harrigan owner, author and publisher of Diamond Studded Publications.

Diamond Studded Publications is now accepting manuscripts for publishing. I offer a variety of packages that can be brought separately or as a package. I am so ready to get started and create books for people to read and learn life lessons for.

For more information check out

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mike O Interview

This interview is between Sheri Henry-Harrigan and Mike O.

Me:Tell me about yourself

Mike O: Well, I'm just an everyday average guy with dreams of becoming a well known author someday that's happy being a writer for now.

Me: If you could not be an author what would be your dream career or job?

Mike O: I really don't consider myself an author per say, but I do have books published. I'm a carpenter and build for a living, and it pays the bills. Books haven't generated enough income to entice me to walk away.

Me: Why did you start writing?

Mike O: Writing became an outlet for me after spending 20 years in the streets. My first book that I ever set out to write, 1000 Grams, was based on my life in the streets. It became theraputic, and I enjoy it now.

Me: What is your writing style like? Do you write in silence or with noise? Do you write in the day time or in the nighttime?

Mike O: I write all my books on my blackberry, and I love to kick back at night with the headphones in my ear listening to trap music on Pandora and creating scenes. Now if it's a love scene, I switch to the smooth grooves of R&B!!!!! Lol

Me:How many books do you have published? What are their titles?

Mike O: At the present moment, I have 1 full novel which is 1000 Grams, and a 3 book short story series entitled Fakebook Chronicles which is based off the popular social site Facebook.

Me:Are you self published?

Mike O:Yes, at the current moment I am self publishing.

Me: Who or what inspired you to write?

Mike O:Just living through hell hoping to make it to heaven. I been through things in life that would be considered unbelievable to other people, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Being that I have a son now, I wanted to put out some literature someone could learn from and hopefully make better choices.

Me: Besides being an author what else do you do?

Mike O: I'm a carpenter.

Me: How have your friends and family reacted to your career as an author?

Mike O: They really haven't reacted. People don't believe in anything until you reach the top, then they want to jump on the bandwagon

Me: Do you have any events coming up?

Mike O:Nah, I work and I'm focused more on that than being an author. Maybe in the fall I can become more active, but right now I gotta make a living and writing isn't it.

Me: Do you have any future projects coming up?

Mike O: Yes I do. 1000 Grams II is coming soon, so I'm giving the readers another piece of me, and showing how things can change in life, but only if you make it that way.

Me:Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Mike O:Hopefully breathing, happy, and looking in the eyes of my baby boy who will be 10 years old. Maybe if God is willing, he will throw me a good woman in there and maybe we be happily married...maybe lol

Me: What advice would you give a new aspiring author? Read, Read, Read, and Read.

Mike O: Read, Read, Read, and Read.Research the field your walking into because it's full of land mines. Don't listen to somebody else tell you things they barely know. That's like the blind leading the blind. Readers are leaders.

Me:Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Mike O: Well, I would really like to become a more popular author and release more works, but I do have the above works mentioned on the market and if you read or have read them, tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend to get it. I need that reader support, and I can't make it happen without you all :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Krystol Diggs. Author,Publisher,Student, Mentor

This interview is between Sheri Henry-Harrigan and Krystol Diggs

Me: Tell me about yourself

Krystol: Well my name is Krystol and I was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. I currently live in Charlotte,NC. I have my own publishing company. I’m also a ghostwriter, screenwriter, and mentor.

Me: If you could not be an author what would be your dream career or job?

Krystol: A mental health counselor. I have a degree in Behavorial Science as a back up!

 Me: Why did you start writing?

Krystol: I started writing when I was fifteen years old.

 Me: What is your reading style like?

Krystol: I read a lot for school but for leisure I read two books a month. I know I need to do better. Do you write in silence or with noise? I write with music. I have to have KEM, Lyfe Jennings, or Ace Hood blating. Do you write in the day time or in the nighttime? I write at night. I realized that’s the best time for me.

Me: How many books do you have published?

Krystol:7 books

Me: What are their titles?

Krystol: Through Her Eyes, Sweet Innocence, Jazzy’s Bitch Part 1 and 2, Rendezvous: Guiltless Pleasure, Tears of Joy and Our Angel.

Me: Are you self published?


Me: Who or what inspired you to write?

Krystol: Honestly I was teased a lot in high school and my bullies inspired me to write. My grandmother also inspired me to write also.

Me: Besides being an author what else do you do?

Krystol:I’m a screenwriter, ghost writer, and mentor.

Me: How have your friends and family reacted to your career as an author? 

Krystol: My family for the most part have supported me a lot but there is always that one person who will wish you fail. It happens, but I’m humble and I’m glad that I have a good support system.

Me: Do you have any events coming up?

Krystol: No not at the moment.

Me:Do you have any future projects coming up?

Krystol:Yes. I’m doing a movie called Coming Out Of The Dark which is from my first novel Through Her Eyes. I’m really excited.

Me: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Krystol: I’ll be doing 2 movies a year, and hopefully continuing to write a books, and screenplays.

Me: What advice would you give a new aspiring author?

Krystol:I would say to do your research. Just because you are very excited to get your book published, read the fine print and get your contract looked over by a LAWYER!!!!

Me: Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Krystol: I’d just want to say that if anyone wants to write a book the only person that’s stopping you, is YOU.

Raymond Francis Interview

This interview is between Sheri Henry-Harrigan and Raymond Francis

Me: Tell me about yourself
 Raymond:30 years old, from NJ
Me: If you could not be an author what would be your dream career or job
Raymond: Rapper
Me: Why did you start writing?
Raymond:  I wrote my first book Lefty’s Story in 2006
Me:What is your reading style like? Do you write in silence or with noise? Do you write in the day time or in the nighttime?
Raymond: In silence, day or night.
Me:How many books do you have published? What are their titles?
Raymond:  8 – Lefty’s Story, Ripped Dollars, Janaysha’s Story, At Your Best, Stick to the Script, Rock em To Sleep, Last House on the Block, Roses in Concrete
Me: Are you self published?
Raymond: Yes, through createspace. I was formerly signed to Flowers in Bloom Publishing but never released anything over there
Me: Who or what inspired you to write?
Raymond: My life inspired me to write. I feel like I have a lot of experiences to build stories off of.
Me:Besides being an author what else do you do?
Raymond: Just enjoy life.
Me:How have your friends and family reacted to your career as an author
Raymond: Very supportive, not necessarily reading my books but definitely helping me promote them.
 Me: Do you have any events coming up?
Raymond: No
Me: Do you have any future projects coming up?
Raymond: Love is Blind anthology(Which I also apart of)
Me: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: What advice would you give a new aspiring author?
Raymond: Be original; learn your craft
Me Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Become a successful author

Become a Successful Author by Deatri King-Bey is a great book to read if you want to become a successful author. Kudos to the author for providing all authors new and old something to help us along our literary journey

Words of advice to aspiring authors

As I add to my literary resume I want to let people know that this is not an act. I am very serious about my career. I put my heart and soul into every thing that I do. Being a publisher, author and promoter mean a lot to me. I never thought I would be in those positions. I am grateful and I want to have great success.

Great success comes with sweat and tears. I work my butt off doing what I do? What do I do you might say. Well I am an author. I have one short story and two flash fiction titles published. I am a publisher. I do not currently publish any authors but I publish my own titles. I am a promoter. I promote other author's work plus my own via social media. I run a book club and an authors group on Facebook. All of it keeps me busy and I love every minute of it.

To be successful one has to have a plan. You can't depend on anything or one to take you to where you want to go. You have to know from the start where you want to end up and keep your eyes on the prize. No business starts without a plan. If they do they will fail. Planning is key. As an author your books are your business. You must market yourself and create your brand.

I don't claim to know it all. But I know enough to know that to become successful we have to fail at something. the failure is not to discourage you. But to encourage you to do something different and try again. People told me I was wasting my time writing. Really? My sales say something different. Readers tell me different. You can not believe the words of everyone. For everyone is not for you!

I was once an aspiring new author with no clue on who to talk to or where to go. Research is key. It will lead you to success or failure. Research is not just looking up a website. It is a lengthy and extensive process that takes time. There is no rush to be published. 

This is just the start to my words of advice. Stay tuned for more.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Do I Write?

Writing is therapeutic. It helps me to keep sane when the world is places so much on my back. Writing helped me get over a broken heart (lol several times). Writing has helped keep me sinking from a deep dark depression. Depression that comes from trying to please everyone. Once I realized that I can't please everyone I became a better person.

I love to write. I like to think that my writing style is unique. You can feel my emotions as each page turns. I finally found a career that I love and I will not stop writing until my fingers stop moving lol

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Game Called Life (A Vent)

Life is just a game. You are born to live to die. You go from stage to stage. You encounter so many forks in the road. So what do you do when you don't know what to do? You got these people yapping in your ear about what they want you to do. You got those people talking about if  "I were you I would" Been there done that ready to move on with my life!

Life is unfair. Why do some people get to live good and others don't. hmmm I used to think like this but I learned not to be jealous of anyone. Because I don't know what they had to do to get what they have. I'm determined to live my life to the best of my abilities. Even though I fall down and make mistakes I will still continue with my journey

Today isn't a good day. I just feel so ugghhh. And people are being ridiculous! But what can you do. The only thing I can do concentrate on me and do what I have and need to do for me and my son.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What happened to courting?

What happened to the days when guys would ask women out on dates. When they would pick them up and take them to the movies, dinner or both. The days when a woman did not have to on her p&q's about the guy that she was going out. Trying to figure out what his real intentions are. "Does he like me or does he just want to have sex with me?" are the questions going through her mind. What happened to those days?

I'm married and I am glad that I don't have to put up with the nonsense that I have heard from some women. I don't have times for the games or drama. So if I wasn't married I would probably still be single. The time we live in today it is disgusting. Men running around with this woman and that woman but they have a woman at home. People having multiple children by different people. It is a shame. It seems that the cycle will never be unbroken. Marrying for love is rare these days. Most people are out for themselves and what they can get out of another person. 

I'm saddened by the way things are. The only one that is getting hurt are the kids. They will only grow up and imitate what they see us do. 

My Life As An Author

Writing is my life! I love it! I have been writing since the age of 12. I started writing in journals. Journal writing helped me get through the dark life that I lived. I was the oldest of four. I was the one taking care of my younger siblings. I got to be too much so I decided to write about it to keep me sane. I wrote a semi autobiography of my life titled " A Black Princess's Diary

I am the author and publisher of Diamond Studded Publications. My first book is titled Tales of the Broken Hearted available in paperback and e book. It is a collection of stories of three people that were betrayed by the people that they love. My second book (which is a flash fiction story) available in ebook format. I also write for Dream Pathway's Magazine. And now I can add blogging to my list

Being an author and a publisher is hard work. I am constantly writing or networking. I wouldn't trade it in for the world. I love networking with authors and other publishers. I have an authors group and a book club on FacebookDiamond Studded Publications. I have finally found a career that I love and that is so fulfilling.

My article about Marriage for Dream Pathway Magazine


Love and Hip Hop. Really?!

This is my first blog and I have a few things on my mind. Last night I watched the first episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Boy oh Boy I have a big problem with a few people.

There is not enough love in the world for a person to put up with the mess Mimi has. While I don't know the whole story of her relationship with Stevie J, he has shown so much disrespect in less than an hour. How dare him walk in a club with another woman and then come over and give Mimi a kiss. Then on top of that he is messing with a woman that looks like a man. Really?! And this is why women say their are no good black men. Because people like him get good woman and treat them like crap. Doing what they want and how they want. But he doesn't get all the blame. Ms. Mimi allowed him for 15 years to walk all over her so of course he isn't going to stop just cause she said so

Joseline really?! You have no talent, you are far from cute and you messing with the next woman's man. Women like her make me sick. Why because she thinks she's doing something by being with someone else's man. When in all reality what he did to Mimi he will do to her. Stupid is the name that I call her!

Erica I commend her for putting her guard up against Lil Scrappy. He made his bed now he need to lie in it. Why do men think that they can go from person to person and when it doesn't work come back to the one that loves them. No! I wish that Mimi would learn the lesson.

Lil Scrappy is feeling some kind of way cause Erica won't give him compassion. Why should she? Did he not betray her to be with Diamond? So because Diamond left does that mean he can come back like nothing happened? Men are ridiculous in thinking that everything is all good after a break up. News Flash women have hearts and emotions. Betrayal, lies and heartache are not easy to get over!

I'm just too through the show and that was only the first episode. I will continue to watch. lol the drama makes for a good book!