Thursday, August 9, 2012

Krystol Diggs. Author,Publisher,Student, Mentor

This interview is between Sheri Henry-Harrigan and Krystol Diggs

Me: Tell me about yourself

Krystol: Well my name is Krystol and I was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. I currently live in Charlotte,NC. I have my own publishing company. I’m also a ghostwriter, screenwriter, and mentor.

Me: If you could not be an author what would be your dream career or job?

Krystol: A mental health counselor. I have a degree in Behavorial Science as a back up!

 Me: Why did you start writing?

Krystol: I started writing when I was fifteen years old.

 Me: What is your reading style like?

Krystol: I read a lot for school but for leisure I read two books a month. I know I need to do better. Do you write in silence or with noise? I write with music. I have to have KEM, Lyfe Jennings, or Ace Hood blating. Do you write in the day time or in the nighttime? I write at night. I realized that’s the best time for me.

Me: How many books do you have published?

Krystol:7 books

Me: What are their titles?

Krystol: Through Her Eyes, Sweet Innocence, Jazzy’s Bitch Part 1 and 2, Rendezvous: Guiltless Pleasure, Tears of Joy and Our Angel.

Me: Are you self published?


Me: Who or what inspired you to write?

Krystol: Honestly I was teased a lot in high school and my bullies inspired me to write. My grandmother also inspired me to write also.

Me: Besides being an author what else do you do?

Krystol:I’m a screenwriter, ghost writer, and mentor.

Me: How have your friends and family reacted to your career as an author? 

Krystol: My family for the most part have supported me a lot but there is always that one person who will wish you fail. It happens, but I’m humble and I’m glad that I have a good support system.

Me: Do you have any events coming up?

Krystol: No not at the moment.

Me:Do you have any future projects coming up?

Krystol:Yes. I’m doing a movie called Coming Out Of The Dark which is from my first novel Through Her Eyes. I’m really excited.

Me: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Krystol: I’ll be doing 2 movies a year, and hopefully continuing to write a books, and screenplays.

Me: What advice would you give a new aspiring author?

Krystol:I would say to do your research. Just because you are very excited to get your book published, read the fine print and get your contract looked over by a LAWYER!!!!

Me: Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Krystol: I’d just want to say that if anyone wants to write a book the only person that’s stopping you, is YOU.

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